Pre School Windsor

Tracy's Child care - PRICES & TIMES

New Fee’s from 1 st July 2023

Core Hour 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Thursday
  8.00am to 3.00pm Friday
Core Hour Fee      $14.00 P/H
Parent Levy $1.80 p/h per child this is to be paid to Adventure Patch
Emergency Care $19.40 P/H Core Hours only
Late Fee $20.00 for every 15 minutes after your contracted hours
Outside Core Hours $20.50 p/h From 7am to 8am & 6pm onwards
Penalty fee (for late payments/overdue accounts) $ 10.00

Snacks $4.00
Lunch $8.00

I will also be charging for the following items.

  • Sick Leave
  • Your Annual leave
  • Occasional absence
  • Public Holidays
  • School Holidays

All payments will need to be finalise on Friday COB when receiving your invoice. I would like to also thank you for the privilege and honor for trusting me to look after your most precious possessions.

I would like you to be aware that the government does not pay any subsidy that you may be entitled to if you cease care and do not attend the last day of care. In fact, the government will recalculate all CCS that has been paid on your behalf up until your child’s last day in care. This means that if your child has not attended (for example) 3 booked days of care in a row and you decide to withdraw your child and do not attend any further sessions, the government will recalculate the CCS, deduct it and you will need to pay full fees. This government ruling is not a ruling that I have any ability to stop or change. In a similar manner, if your child is absent on their first day of care, the government will not subsidise your fees and you will need to pay me the full fee for that day.

© 2018 Tracy's Child care