Tracy's Child care - FOOD POLICY
- I prefer parents to provide their children’s food.
- Please do not bring any items such as chips, lollies, chocolates, biscuits, Rolls ups , chicken nuggets, hot chips, cordials, sweet milk drinks etc.
- We have morning tea around 10am, lunch around 12.00 afternoon tea 2.00 pm. The children sit at the table to eat. We are flexible on times.
- If parents are providing food, please see that there is enough for the child’s needs. Don’t be concerned however if your child’s lunchbox isn’t empty at the end of the day as children’s appetites vary from day to day.
- I am also able to heat up food in the microwave such as noodles, party pies.
- I am able to provide food this is at an additional cost.
- All drinks are kept cool in a cooler bag in day care room. unless otherwise stated.